Remarkable Reading #31: THE RISE OF THE PLATFORM MARKETER: Performance Marketing with Google, Facebook, and Twitter, Plus the Latest High-Growth Digital Advertising Platforms and INBOUND MARKETING: Get Found Using Google, Social Media, and Blogs

The aim of this section Remarkable Reading is pay a tribute to the books that taught, share trends & insights into where our world in the 21st century is heading in a technology enabled world, and ask the right questions.

Bolded and italics quotes and references do not belong to myself  and belong directly to the author, .  The focus is to share valuable insights and teachings from the book to win business for the authors.

The two tech trends we’ll be touching on are:

  1. Power of publishing in association with advances and accessibility as well as  tools & technology on the Internet (carrying on further from here, here, & here)
  2. Reflection over 8 years on the Prism of Internet Marketing and it’s impact on Mass Media (carrying on further from here)

The Internet is like a chameleon.  It will continue to change, adapt, evolve, sense, enlighten, perceive and ubiquitously advance as well as advance us.

It has been 8 years since INBOUND MARKETING: Get Found Using Google, Social Media, and Blogs. Dharmesh Shah and Brian Halligan’s (CEO of the remarkable Hubspot) instructive and effectual approach is successful in confirming the basics of social media marketing in it’s early juncture with the focus on confirming, validating, commercializing and strengthening social media and internet marketing.

The early trends in both, online publishing and its impact and integration with mainstream media such as newspapers is attractive and engaging.  To continual focus on what has to happen in order for a strong social media campaign, what the basics are, and how to measure ROI is what ensures this is a praiseworthy marketing & business book 7 years later.  Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah’s sense of the topic shines through, and their combined effort and union in writing proves to be a potent combination.   INBOUND MARKETING: Get Found Using Google, Social Media, and Blogs is a commendable read after 7 years and is worthy to revisit, simply to act as a distinctive refresher of the basics that work such as blogging for example.

THE RISE OF THE PLATFORM MARKETER: Performance Marketing with Google, Facebook, and Twitter, Plus the Latest High-Growth Digital Advertising Platforms is a methodical, logical and analytic marketing book that shows you how to leverage changes in big data growth.  Craig Dempster and John Lee have written a strategic book that skillfully and with concise detail articulates how to utilize social media growth to attract and keep-a-hold-of customers, leverage trends in technology to have the precise and customized analytics in place to convey personalized and individualized messages to prospective customers.

Craig Dempster and John Lee are both calculated and methodical in their writing approach, and their sense and wisdom on the topic is undoubtedly commendable.  The core mission of the book is to allow marketers working in mid-large corporations how to effectively and efficiently implement the right marketing strategy.  If you’re someone who enjoys practical bullet-points and an explicitly simple approach to embrace social media (inclusive of impact on mobile marketing) for commercial strategies then  THE RISE OF THE PLATFORM MARKETER: Performance Marketing with Google, Facebook, and Twitter, Plus the Latest High-Growth Digital Advertising Platforms is the book for you.

Take-outs from INBOUND MARKETING: Get Found Using Google, Social Media, and Blogs:

Chapter 1, Page 3- “The fundamental task of marketers is to spread the word about their products and services in order to get people to buy them.  To accomplish this task, marketers use a combination of outbound techniques including email blasts, telemarketing, direct mail, TV, radio, and print advertising, and trade shows (or expos) in order to reach their potential buyers”

Page 8 - “We tried to open as many direct channels or communication as possible - using e-mail, text messages, online networks - and then equip them with the tools to spread the campaign’s message using networking technology such as and Facebook”

Chapter 2, Page 11 - “The Web was originally built to be a collaboration platform by Tim Berners-Lee in the 1980’s and while it took a couple of decade to get there, the Web is now truly collaborative.”

Page 16 - “Save the thousands of dollars and countless hours you were going to spend on the redesign of your site and do three things.  First, add something collaborative to your site like a blog (which is easy to update on a regular basis).  Second, start creating lots of compelling content people will want to consume (see followers chapters on how to do this).  Third, start focusing where the real action is: Googe, industry blogs, and social media sites”

Page 32 - “You want to think of yourself as half marketer and half publisher.  You might consider making your next full-time marketing hire to be a writer/journalist, rather than a career marketer”

Page 35 -”Blogging makes sense for many types of businesses for many reasons.  First, a blog will establish your company as a thought leader in your market.  Second, due to its dynamic nature and the fact you’re creating new content on a regular basis, a blog will change your web site from an online brochure to a living, breathing hub for your marketplace. ‘

Page 44 - “The most frequent reason blogs fail is because the author or company writing the blog oversells their products or service.  You want your blog to turn your website into a hub for our industry, not just be an advertisement for your product”

Page 44-45: “Blogs are almost never an overnight - they build cumulatively over time.  Every time you write an article that has links into it from other sites, that article can get found by people browsing the Web on those other sites forever”

Page 189 - “The Web is a flattener of all marketplaces - it is the ultimate meritocracy.  Because the Web makes it so much more efficient to spread ideas, it poses  great opportunity for upstarts with a unique new products or services, so you should be more paranoid now than you have ever been because you have never been so vulnerable”

Top take-out from THE RISE OF THE PLATFORM MARKETER: Performance Marketing with Google, Facebook, and Twitter, Plus the Latest High-Growth Digital Advertising Platforms are:

Page 4- “Over the time period of 2010 to 2014, we’ve seen a marked downward shift in the consumption of traditional media such as radio and print; at the same time, consumers have drastically increased the number of hours spent on digital media, social in particular, with an increase from about 52 minutes a day to nearly 90”

Page 4- “All of this digital interaction is creating tremendous amount of data. Each day, 182 billion emails are sent.  Each month, 70 billion pieces of content are shared on Facebook”

Page 5- “Not only is the overall digital media and marketplace going to be $61 billion by 2017, but a significant portion of digital media today is, in fact being bought programmatically, meaning through an automated approach that uses technology to media is actually going to reach $10.5 billion by 2017”

Page 21 - “We take the Internet for granted.  Today we simply assume that any information we may be looking for -- an article to read, an article of clothing to wear, a vacation to plan, just about anything - can be found on the Internet”

Page 22 - “The birth of the automobile gave rise to the billboards in 1835, and the first electric sign went up in Times Square  in 1882”.  Radio advertising began in the 1920s and the first TV commercial ran in 1941”

Page 27 - “With newspapers and magazines you know exactly how many copies you have printed and will expose a certain ad.  With TV, you know what the population of the area in which your programs are broadcasting, and this you can predict the potential number of people who might view a certain ad”

Page 40 - “Today’s digital marketplace calls for a marketing technologist who is also an expert on the new audience platforms”

Page 88 - “Think about this as an example: After years of shopping in the bricks and mortar locations of a major national retailer, a consumer decides to explore shopping and buying online with that retailer by agreeing to opt in to its email messaging program.  It all seems very simple and straightforward.  Almost immediately after receiving the welcome message, the season’s fashions or back-to-school specials”

Page 177 - “By now, marketing technology has progressed to a point where it has outpaced the ability of most marketing organizations to realize all the addressable marketing possibilities that lay before them.  Technology in and of itself is not a limiter to the marketing organization”

Don't forget to visit both books to solidify and strengthen your foundations in social media marketing.

You can purchase a copy of THE RISE OF THE PLATFORM MARKETER: Performance Marketing with Google, Facebook, and Twitter, Plus the Latest High-Growth Digital Advertising Platforms here, follow John Lee on Twitter here, follow Craig Dempster on Twitter here, and visit Merkle Inc. here.

You can purchase a copy of INBOUND MARKETING: Get Found Using Google, Social Media, and Blogs here, follow Dharmesh Shah on Twitter here, and visit OnStartups here follow Brian Halligan on Twitter here, and visit Hubspot here.

Thank You!
Prashant aka Praz

+64 21 262 4326 (NZ area code)


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