Remarkable Reading #27: MICROMARKETING: Get Big Results by Thinking and Acting Small by Greg Verdino and GET RICH BLOGGING by Zoe Griffin

The aim of this section Remarkable Reading is pay a tribute to the books that taught, share trends & insights into where our world in the 21st century is heading in a technology enabled world, and ask the right questions.

Bolded and italics quotes and references do not belong to myself  and belong directly to the author.  The focus is to share valuable insights and teachings from the book to win business for the authors.

Carrying on further from here, here, and here about the change in behavioural economics social media has bought about, and the tech trends and practical uses within it.

Zoe Griffin’s GET RICH BLOGGING is a spry, vigorous, certain, and extremely comprehensive book about blogging and it’s commercial advantages.

Zoe is a wonderfully delightful writer and she has a writing style that is all-encompassing and naturally very amusing. She has a natural flair for explaining complex elements within blogging with casual ease and is able to persuasively articulate the decisive reasons why blogging can be a life-changing decision that can also make you connections, perks, a job and money.   A relevant must-read for anyone wanting to learn about blogging for the first time and needs a practical introduction to its advantages.

Greg Verdino’s MICROMARKETING: Get Big Results by Thinking and Acting Small is a expressively and artistically written marketing book about the reasons why micro-content marketing is one of the modern milestones of marketing, and how the right micro-content within your social media marketing can amplify your business goals and ambitions.  Verdino’s specific details into pinpointing the exact trends related to micro-content marketing ensures this is a book to visit atleast once. Greg Verdino has a eloquent and significant writing style that is unique in terms of the content it is dealing with. His poetic style of writing is distinct in terms of the topic.

Two trends We’ll be touching on are:

  1. Practical use & benefits of blogging as well as its vitality in terms of integration with marketing and life goals
  2. The impact micro-content (for example blogging) has had on mainstream mass media

From Zoe Griffin’s GET RICH BLOGGING the key take-outs I found compelling are:

Page 9 - “Remember that “blog” is short for “web log” and that’s the whole point: most people updated their blog a few times a week, some update a few times a day.  It all depends on how much a blogger feels moved to comment about a particular subject”

Page 18 - “But it’s not just the Americans who are working the blogging world - the best British example is Pete Cashmore who founded Mashable. He was 19 when he set it up from his bedroom in a small village near Aberdeen in Scotland.  Mashable now gets approximately 50 million pageviews a year and has 2.7 million Twitter followers”

Page 19 - “Bear these happy thoughts through in min if you start to get disheartened. Blogging is enjoyable and rewarding - and it can also make you money”

Page 24 - “it’s vital to pick a subject that you’re passionate about  is because you will need to blog regularly when you're starting to build up a following.  If you;re not interested in the subject then it will feel like a chore and you’ll have a very miserable life.  That;s not the point of blogging”. If you want to be certain of picking a suitable subject matter, you need to do some soul-searching”

Page 28 - “If you have specialised blog, you can focus solely on one subject area and busy people will come to your blog because they know they;ll get the best information in one place without having to spend time browsing sections they don't care about”

Page 56 - “Before you launch a blog, or any kind of business, you must have some content.  When the blog is in operation, you need to keep it in good shape.  Would you spend money in a shop that has based-upon hangers and clothes jumbled up all over the floor? Of course not!

Page 184 - “If no one has approached you yet, maybe it’s because they don't realise you are available for hire. Sometimes the best bloggers are the most unapproachable as people assume they’re far too busy with their own blog to do anything else.  Therefore you need to use your blog as a showcase”

Page 190 - “Some bloggers are extremely lucky and get offered book deals by publishers who have spotted their blogs.  This does not happen very often. If you are sitting around waiting for  a publisher then you could be waiting for a very long time. Be proactive”

Page 243 - “Blogs are a powerful way to talk about pain release stress, gather and express your thoughts. And there are a few places online where you have the freedom to say (almost) what you like”

The key take-outs found informative  from MICROMARKETING: Get Big Results by Thinking and Acting Small by Greg Verdino:

Page Xiii - “it's time to embrace change and to do something (lots of things, actually) more in synch with the current state of society, the promise and potential of the social Web, and the current shape of the media landscape”

Page 13 - “His new media landscape was by definition social,and content was broken down to its core components and primed not only for the consumption but also for curation, aggregation, distribution, and manipulation”

Page 14 - “The result? Not a well-ordered and ultimately finite million-channel landscape, but a rough-and-ready infinite microchannel playground where an obscenely large, always growing storehouse of bite-sized chunks of microcontent - representing every aesthetic from professional to prosumer to personal - gets produced, presented, combined, ripped apart, and recombined in a virtually unlimited number of ways”

Page 18 - “The big shift in the media landscape isn't about how we consume, it’;s about what we create.  In the microcontent age, every person is a media mogul (no matter how small).”

Page 31 - “Today there most likely isn't a soul at Paramount who's not a true believer in the very real business benefits of social media, and our ability to communicate”, said Paramount’s vice chairman Rob Moore. “Here’s a case where it allows people to rally around a movie they care about and for them to have a sense of participation, then tell other people, they this is something you should see too”

Page 60 - “While the mainstream television and print coverage is notable and the sheer volume of blogosphere coverage is significant, the valuer of the candidate-created videos and the grassroots support from the Youtube community that housed many of those videos should not be underestimated”

Page 166- Management guru Peter Drucker once succinctly stated that “the purpose of business is to create customers”.  More recently, Razorfish Shiv Singh offered a smart update to Drucker’s definition, considering that in the age of social influence marketing “the purpose of business is to create a customer who creates customers”

Page 190 - While the term innovation often conjures images of grand features, game-changing moments, and risky bold moves, micromarketing innovation can be the result of even one small step off the beaten path”

Page 217 - “As empowering as the microcontent revolution has been for Generation C, I’ve noticed that the most talented (or maybe just the most ambitious) creators constantly seek bigger audiences and higher profile platforms, often shooting for exposure or even careers in mainstream media”

You can purchase a copy of GET RICH BLOGGING on Amazon here, follow Zoe Griffin on Twitter here, and visit her blog LIKE A VIP here.

You can purchase a copy of MICRO-MARKETING: GET BIG RESULTS BY THINKING AND ACTING SMALL here, follow Greg Verdino on Twitter here, visit his website here, and connect with Greg Verdino on LinkedIN here.

Thank you,
+64 21 262 4326 (NZ area code)


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