Remarkable Reading # 47: The Impact Equation: Are You Making Things Happen or Just Making Noise? by Chris Brogan and Julien Smith and Fizz: Harness the Power of Word of Mouth Marketing to Drive Brand Growth by Ted Wright

The aim of this section Remarkable Reading is pay a tribute to the books that taught, share trends & insights into where our world in the 21st century is heading in a technology enabled world, and ask the right questions.

Bolded and italics quotes and references do not belong to myself  and belong directly to the author.  The focus is to share valuable insights and teachings from the book to win business for the authors.

Two Trends we'll be touching on are:

1) Purpose and impact of utilizing social media for making things happen and not just making noise

2) Further benefits of blogging and WOM of marketing (carrying on further from here, here, here, and here)

Chris Brogan is one of the earliest pioneers of social media marketing. His book TRUST AGENTS: Using the Web to Build Influence, Improve Reputation, and Earn Trust is one of the earlier business books that helped us further refine and improve our social media knowledge and understanding was a New York Times bestseller. understanding alongside the spectacular and surreal Seth Godin. The Impact Equation: Are You Making Things Happen or Just Making Noise? authored by Chris Brogan and Julien Smith.

It is Chris Brogan and Julien Smith's ability to comprehend the social media landscape, sieve through the existing noise and ensure that the advice he gives you in The Impact Equation: Are You Making Things Happen or Just Making Noise? is purposeful, informative and educational.

His dual analogy between established media and social media and the key differences between them is what sets The Impact Equation: Are You Making Things Happen or Just Making Noise? aside from other books. Despite being over 5 years since it was written, this is a fluid book that manages to stand the test of time 5 years later.

The edifice of social media depends on quality content and building trust - and Chris Brogan and Julien Smith succeed in helping us understand how exactly to create quality content and build trust. As someone who has been a ardent fan of Chris Brogan over the years, he has certainly inspired me across 16 years to keep up my blogging hobby, create quality content and engage and build trust with business personnel.

Top take-out's include:

Page 12 - "The reality is that we really are the first generation of people on this planet to be not only media consumers (like the few generations before us who listened to the radio and watched television) and media creators (which we began to be when reality television took over the airwaves). Finally, for the first time ever, we are all media owners as well".

Page 13 - "So this book isan't really about the Internet at all; it's about idea and platform democracy. It's all about the ability to help others with your unique ability, whatever that may be. It's about solving local and global problems more efficiently, not just for those who have monetary wealth but for those who will have the wealth of community on their side that is to say, everyone"

Page 27 - "The reality is that this transformation in media is happening. It's happening now, and it is a moment in time that will never repeat itself - not in the same way it's happening now. If you are among the first to know how to leverage it, you can go places and have advantages you never cought have imagined before"

Page 37 - "As we write this, the video-game culture has silently (not really) shot past the U.S. movie culture in terms of revenue. Think about this: People take days off work to play the latest version of Madden NFL or Call of Duty"

Page 44 - "So the message is actually simple: Do the hard part now in order to reap the rewards later. This message will be repeated again and again throughout this book, because it relates directly to all three parts of visibility: idea, platform, and human element, which all need work before they can become significant assets, sometimes for quite a long time"

Page 74 - "The idea is simple: Let everyone share ideas, let everyone vote on ideas, and see what rises to the top again. It's brilliant in its simplicity."

Page 76 - "If you personally want to create something amazing, the best strategy is to act like the Internet does. You have to be comfortable with creating garbage in order to have some measure of awesome stuff"

Page 88 - "Here's one of Chris's favourites: "Social media is the telephone. It's no different. A hundred years ago, I'd be telling you, 'You've got to get a phone! It's amazing!" And now I'm saying that figuring out Twitter and Google+ is important"

Page 105 - "Writing proper, excellent copy is going to be one of the most important tools in your attempt conquer the world with the stuff you make. If you can write well and sell well, you can build an audience and make requests of them more often"

Page 138 - "There are loots of definitions for "platform.". We'rer talking about the combination of tools, you use to reach others and communicate ideas. In the traditional world, most people had very little access to platforms with any real kind of Reach. Mainstream media had television, radio, newspapers, and magazines. Meanwhile, individuals had telephones, letters and the "opportunity" to run advertisements on various media channels. Web sites in the early days cost tens of thousands of dollars to make and maintain. My, how times have changed".

Page 142 - "Chris is friends with world-renowned author Paulo Coelho. His work has been translated into more than seventy languages, and published in over 170 countries. He even has a world record for this kind of distribution"

Page 147 - "The power of the platform in the twenty-first century is that it can reach anyone, at any time, in any place. Platform was one of the decisive factors in the 2008 U.S presidential election, in which Barrack Obama's connection to his constituents through modern platforms allowed for quick mobilization in time of need."

Page 171- "Every since blogging began, bloggers have asked "How often should I blog"? It falls neatly into the category of questions like "How long is a piece of string"? You should blog as often as you have ideas to blog about. You should blog as often as you have something amazing to say"

Page 177 - "The more content you create, the better you will know, and even the failures will teach you about what matters to them. As your content gets spread out and hits different parts of the Web, the creation of an ideal reader or audience is perhaps one of the most valuable processes available."

Page 182 - "The oversaturation problem is exacerbated when you choose to post the same information across several channels, perhaps with a push-to-many service. Plus, the current trend for many social platforms is to cross-populate on Twitter and elsewhere."

No matter where you are at with your social media strategy for 2018, The Impact Equation: Are You Making Things Happen or Just Making Noise? by Chris Brogan and Julien Smith is well worth revisiting. The writers are smooth, fluid, and absolutely accurate in terms of providing a helpful framework for how to leverage social media and understand the new marketing age.

Ted Wright's Fizz: Harness the Power of Word of Mouth Marketing to Drive Brand Growth is an effective and sophisticatedly simple book about how to harness the power of word-of-mouth (WOM) for simple small businesses to succeed & flourish.

Ted Wright's writing style is impeccable and delightful in terms of providing you with teachings on how to create an authentic campaign for brand awareness. The finer nuances of word-of-mouth marketing are not always easy to understand, and Ted Wright's unblemished and distinctive writing style ensures that you are taught with practical examples how to utilize word-of-mouth marketing to your business advantage.

Top take-out's include:

Page 8 - "In a deeply fragmented culture such as ours, where people have tuned out advertising and tuned in to their own deeply invidualized communities, no single channel is as consistent, effective, or reliable as those maintained by real influencers"

Page 17 - "And according to research firm Nielsen 92 percent of consumers trust recommendations from people they know, and - this is the most amazing part - 70 percent trust online recommendations from strangers"

Page 31 - "Influencers are sharers, not sellers. They do want to be bought, and they will have a negative reaction to ayone they suspect is trying to sell them something. Try it, and you will drive them away"

Page 57 - "That said, you must beware of the innovation vortex - that is, being in a stage of constantly dreaming up new extensions and "innovations" that eventually fail to make an impact".

Page 119 - "A few months after you begun your word of mouth work, you should see an upstick in a positive sentiment about your brand. Of course, sentiment is not something every brand tracks all the time"

Page 160 - "There are certain cities in America - six to be exact - that we consider leadership cities. Then there are six fast-followers cities."

Page 161 - "This is for reasons of geographic density, but also tradition. New York and LA have rich cultural histories in the arts, fashion, media and ideas. They are also centers of immigration".

Page 163 - "Seattle is ideal for "immeditely useful technology". Rather than focusing on technologies that enable you to do something you couldn't do before, Seattle love technologies that make something you're already doing easier. It's iteractive rather than revolutionary".

Page 168 - "A blog is just another tool, and a blogger is just another person who may or may not have an influencer personality. In the context of word of mouth, focusing more on someone simply because he has more public forum in which to express his views doesn't necessarily make sense".

Page 184 - "We live in a golden age of research, which is a huge advantage when you have reality on your side. Before you approach your boss, you should compile a list of relevant data that shows how your customers no longer take their cues on what to buy from broadcast but instead from friends and family, particularly through face-to-face interaction".

Ted Wright's Fizz: Harness the Power of Word of Mouth Marketing to Drive Brand Growth is a compelling and uncomplicated marketing business book about how to harness the power of word-of-mouth marketing with ease, integrate it within your marketing strategy and understand the higher holistic trends.

I thoroughly approve and advocate both books for those who are interested in refining their marketing mastery for 2018.

You can follow Chris Brogan on Twitter here, visit Chris Brogan's website here, and purchase a copy of The Impact Equation: Are You Making Things Happen or Just Making Noise? here.

You can follow Julien Smith on Twitter here, and visit his website here.

You can follow Ted Wright on Twitter here, visit his website here, and purchase a copy of Fizz: Harness the Power of Word of Mouth Marketing to Drive Brand Growth here.

Thanking you kindly,

Praz aka Prashant


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