Remarkable Reading #40: Vern Oakley's LEADERSHIP IN FOCUS: Bringing Out Your Best on Camera and Chris Smith's THE CONVERSION CODE: Capture Internet Leads, Create Quality Appointments, Close More Sales

The aim of this section Remarkable Reading is pay a tribute to the books that taught, share trends & insights into where our world in the 21st century is heading in a technology enabled world, and ask the right questions.

Bolded and italics quotes and references do not belong to myself  and belong directly to the author.  The focus is to share valuable insights and teachings from the book to win business for the authors.

Two trends we’ll be touching on are:

  1. Impact that social media and video has had on marketing
  2. How you can better leverage social media to create and nurture sales leads

Leadership in Focus: Bringing Out Your Best on Camera by Vern Oakley is a current, advanced and progressive book about the cultural, societal and technological impact the use of video has had in the marketing sphere. Video is not only engaging, but it helps in delivering trust to your clients, and directly engages & impacts in terms of directing your brand message.

The multiple uses of video including training & tutorials, marketing ad campaign, concept introductions or an highly engaged marketing strategy, as well as the ability to quickly convey your message forthright and with honesty is the key message Leadership in Focus: Bringing Out Your Best on Camera touches on.

Vern Oakley is a master story-teller and has over 30 years of experience in film production and video-making.  His writing style exudes confidence and experience, and he conveys his enlightenment and understanding with sophisticated gradation.

Leadership in Focus: Bringing Out Your Best on Camera core strength is in it’s capacity to convince readers to put their core focus on professional, relevant, and contemporary professional-esque videos on their marketing strategy.  If you’re after expertise, guidance, and knowledge about how to take your marketing strategy to be more video-centric, twenty-first century focused then this is a must-read book in your top 5 books to reshape and reform your marketing strategy for 2018.

Some of the top take-out’s include:

Page 4 - “Film is beloved in culture’s worldwide in large part because it’s such a powerful vehicle for storytelling.  Stories connect humans in a way that not much else can.

Page 4- “It’s no idea our society has become obsessed with video.  With the tap of a screen and two minutes of our time, we’re able to see, hear, and make a personal connection with someone’s story in a way that's second only to being with them live”

Page 5 - “It’s often said that millennials demand transparency and authenticity from businesses, but let’s face it:  We all want that transparency today.  I’m grateful to millennials for bringing attention to such a critical point”

Page 16 - “According to Cisco, 82 percent of all Internet Traffic will be video by 2020. Learning to communicate effectively on camera is not a choice for leaders anymore; it's a necessity because we live in a digital video world”

Page 17 - “According to a survey, 74 percent of consumers feel that open, transparent communication is critical to effective leadership, open, transparent communication is critical to effective leadership, but only 29 percent feel their leader as an icon of the organization they run”

Page 28 - “Nobody expects you to go from zero to authentic overnight, but this book offers strategies that can help you unlock your true self in front of the lens sooner than you  may think was possible”

Page 46 - “Every now and again what you make a little stumble or you do something that’s human, it’s actually very endearing to people.

Page 68 - “Nobody likes to be criticized.  Criticism is almost always subjective and there it’s perceived negatively because we feel like we are being judged based in someone's personal interpretation if our work. Feedback, by contrast is entirely objective”

Page 150 - “The right music can signal and build that mood of excitement and good news.  A Good music track can allow you to be authentically you by providing an emotional underpinning to your words.  Music can evoke urgency, gravitas, caution, hope and empathy”

Page 159 - “ Winston Churchill read all his addresses out loud before he faced a camera or a live audience.  He eliminated fancy words and tongue twisters, and inserted dashes to remind himself where he would breathe in between words.  He knew his content and the meaning behind each phrase.  Whether he realized it or not, by staying true to his own natural speaking rhythm and eliminating words he might have stumbled over, “The British Bulldog” was managing and maintaining his own authenticity”

As we delve into an era of 360 photo & video, and as the quality of photos and videos on our smart devices continues to grow in volume, the importance of video will come to the fore more.  As an avid blogger for over 20 years, I’ve yet to officially foray into the vlogging world of video, but I can most certainly ascertain the importance and crucialness of it in terms of a brand marketing perspective.

THE CONVERSION CODE: Capture Internet Leads, Create Quality Appointments, Close More Sales written by Chris Smith is knock-out!  If you’re in marketing and one of your top agenda’s is to create a working clientele for long-term winning business and market expansion then THE CONVERSION CODE: Capture Internet Leads, Create Quality Appointments, Close More Sales is the book for you.
Chris Smith’s key power as a writer is his ability to understand the commercial acumen of the social media landscape with broad strokes, and yet still hone in on the exact details and benefits of why you need social media.

I’ve written about the benefits of blogging for your business here, here, here, here and here , and THE CONVERSION CODE: Capture Internet Leads, Create Quality Appointments, Close More Sales core capacity to convince and educate you further on how to actively and relevantly engage with clients, close more sales and nurture long-term focused leads.

Chris Smith’s ability to comprehend a complicated, swift and speedy business environment is masterful, and he manages to explain the vital essentials of why the use of individual social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIN, & blogging as an example, are so powerfully potent in terms of creating, nurturing and closing sales in today’s business environment.

Knowing the intricate details of how to use social media tools with depth is one thing, applying it to a marketing strategy but utilizing it occasionally is one thing, but knowing how to leverage and succeed using social media as an on-going metric and tool for creating powerful business leads for sales conversion is another.

It’s the refinement in the storytelling as far as painting a wider landscape in the social media scene and keeping it focused on commerce is what ensures  THE CONVERSION CODE: Capture Internet Leads, Create Quality Appointments, Close More Sales  as a very important and quality publication in business & marketing.

Few top take-out’s include:

Intro xii - “The world is changing, and your strategies need to change along with it.  We look at Facebook on our phones more than we look at each other in the face.  Regardless of whether they submit their information through the web form on your website or not, every human is no conditioned to look online before making a purchase. And thanks to our social media addiction you can now generate demand, not just fulfill it”

Page xvii - “Because every lead is now an Internet lead, demand for marketing automation and inside sales is way up.  Inside sales is growing like crazy because the Internet is growing like crazy.  Being good at traditional marketing and belly-to-belly sales does not make you good at Internet marketing sand inside sales”

Page 13 - “Today thanks to our phones, watches, and social media addiction, in fact, recent studies say you have eight seconds to capture someone's attention before they move onto the next thing.  That’s four less seconds than in the year 2,000 and one second less than a goldfish’s attention span”

Page 21 - “Marketers who have prioritized blogging are 13X more likely to enjoy positive ROI.” and 79% of companies that have a blog report a positive ROI inbound marketing hold true”

Page 25 - “In a perfect world you could simply build a website and some landing pages and never have to update them.  But in the real world websites that  get the MOST traffic and leads are the ones that emphasize blogging.  Plus, by always having new content on your blog you also always have new ammo for your Facebook ads and email marketing campaigns”

Page 29 - “Video has become so important, that I recommend finding ways to implement if you’re not great on camera”

Page 49 - “Facebook ads are so powerful they can quickly make a good business great or great business excellent.  Technology is an accelerator of greatness.  When I started using Facebook ads, I was already the number-one salesperson in my channel at Move Inc”

Page 69 - “Curation can help keep your audience engaged buy finding and sharing great content you create.  But did you know that you can also use created content to drive traffic and leads back to your site”?

Page 74 - “Purposefully getting more followers on Instagram takes a few proven tactics.  One obvious way is to take and share amazing pictures.  Another one is to use popular and relevant hashtags”

Page 142 - Short, sweet, strategic.  That is what you want to focus on when you answer buying questions. Far too often, salespeople get a buying question and go into a long monologue to answer it, mistaking it for an objection”

An essential must-read for anyone working in business development utilizing social media.  THE CONVERSION CODE: Capture Internet Leads, Create Quality Appointments, Close More Sales is a business book about how to proactively and proactively utilize social media for your business and marketing benefits, and at the same time teaches the tools in terms of the marketer experience and updates you on the contemporary marketing scene all at the same time.

You can purchase a copy of Vern Oakley's LEADERSHIP IN FOCUS: Bringing Out Your Best on Camera here, follow him on Twitter here, follow Tribe Pictures on Twitter here and visit his website here.

You can purchase a copy of Chris Smith's THE CONVERSION CODE: Capture Internet Leads, Create Quality Appointments, Close More Sales here, follow Chris Smith on Twitter here, follow him on Instagram here, and email him at


Praz aka Prashant


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