Remarkable Reading #38: KEYS TO SUCCESS: 50 Secrets from a Business Maverick by Sir John Timpson and REAL-TIME MARKETING and PR: How to Instantly Engage Your Market, Connect with Customers, and Create Products that Grow Your Business Now by David Meerman Scott

The aim of this section Remarkable Reading is pay a tribute to the books that taught, share trends & insights into where our world in the 21st century is heading in a technology enabled world, and ask the right questions.

Bolded and italics quotes and references do not belong to myself  and belong directly to the author.  The focus is to share valuable insights and teachings from the book to win business for the authors.

Two Trends we’ll expand on are:

  1. Entrepreneurialism and changes in big business in the 21st century (carrying on further from here, here, here, here, and here)
  2. Power and potential of real-time  mobile marketing

I’ve been reflection & reading on a few social media books that were written 5+ years ago, and it’s been a humbling, entertaining, fact-filled, educative, and most importantly, and enlightening journey through the various trends, teachings and evolutions within the Internet of Things and marketing over the last 5 years.

It has also been rewarding to read the latest and most up-to-date books on marketing to stay updated on where we’ve come from with granular detail, and where we are heading with further advances within The Internet of Things, Virtual, Augmented, Mobile and Wearable Technology, and Smart homes.

Sir John Timpson’s  KEYS TO SUCCESS: 50 Secrets from a Business Maverick is a pragmatic, adroit, masterful and very skilful book from a definitive business maverick & trendsetter about what he has learnt in business.  Cleverly explaining and describing fact-filled and very actionable advice about Human Resources & employees, flexibility in business, the impact of technology in modern business and ensuring happiness in the workforce and business.

Sir John Timpson writing style is faultless and exemplary, and he has a tremendous and towering wealth of intelligence, experience, acumen, insight and examples to share with readers.  I was thoroughly engrossed and highly entertained whilst learning a very advanced and sophisticated course in business all in one book.  

A brand new 2017 business book, Sir John Timpson’s  KEYS TO SUCCESS: 50 Secrets from a Business Maverick  is a significant, noteworthy and valid book because it manages to reinvigorate and refresh readers as we head towards 2018.  A magnificent merger of core day-to-day lessons and teachings, combined with contextual advice about a emerging 21st century technological age.

Top take-out’s include:

Page 7 - “By now you must have guessed that I take certain pleasure in breaking the rules, but I do so with purpose.  Entrepreneurs make money by using their initiative and being different.  If you tread the same path and follow the same process as everyone else you won’t stand out from the crowd and can never create a great business”

Page 17 - “True confidence in your colleagues isn’t just about trusting them to put the money in the till - it also includes trusting everyone with the freedom to use their initiative rather than insisting that every job is done according to rigid standing orders”

Page 27 - “From the outset I declared that no one must issue instructions, but it takes patience to change the habits of a lifetime”

Page 35 - “Technology, employment law and attitudes have changed a lot, but many companies have failed to keep up. In our modern world, old-fashioned workplaces find it harder to attract the best talent because they expect every employee to stick to tradition and follow the rules of a 9-5 culture.  If you want the best person for the job, be prepared to fashion the role around their lifestyle.  Don’t expect them to totally change their life to suit the business.
Our office today is very different”

Page 51 - “A change at the top is certain to change the culture. For us, protecting the culture is such a high priority that we won’t take the risk of appointing top managers from elsewhere”

Page 61 - “Praise plays a big part in Upside Down Management - every boss has the authority to pick the perfect way to congratulate member of their team.  There are no rules and no budget; the best praise is spontaneous, so our managers have the authority to spend whatever it takes whenever they want to make a star performer feel extra special”

Page 147 - “I don’t believe that bullies succeed in business. Suppliers should be seen as business partners who are part of your team.  You will make the most money together if both feel they are working on the same side”

Page 155  “Businesses are created by ideas - it seldom works if you first decide to build a business and then look for the idea to make it work”

Page 158 - “It is arrogant to think that you can be successful at running any, and every, business.  No one is good at everything, so it is wise to fully understand your strengths and make life easy buy sticking to what you do best”

Page 197 - “Traditional business plans usually show success by predicting that the business will do whatever it does not but do it better.  But past experience shows that our future success will almost certainly depend on new ideas and how well we can manage change”

Page 221 - “Budding entrepreneurs need a good commercial idea and the spark of ambition.  Without the raw ingredients no business management school or executive coach will turn a competent middle manager into a tycoon”

Page 237 - “These days I spend a lot of time using an iPad and an iPhone, but despite all the support on offer from consultants offering computer-based analytical advice, my most useful decision-making tools remain a pen and A4 pad.”

Page 235 - “I prefer an A4 pad for my list of ideas and things to do.  But the biggest benefit I got from pen and paper is the ease with which they help me make decisions and create our strategy.  With no one else watching I can scribble any thoughts, however bizarre”

Page 250 - “The internet helps in an even bigger way: it gives nearly everyone the chance to benefit from flexible working.  You don’t have to be in the office to keep in touch.  Mobile phones help me to spend more time going round our shops and the Internet lets me work at home”

I’ve read & reviewed a few top & teachful books about mobile marketing in the past few months.  It has been a reflective  and reinvigorating refresher about how quickly we’ve evolved with social technology, sophisticated consumer electronics (smart devices) and the Internet of Things.

David Meerman Scott is one of the top thought-leaders about social media marketing & technology advances including the potential of mobile marketing in conjunction with real-time big data and PR.

REAL-TIME MARKETING and PR: How to Instantly Engage Your Market, Connect with Customers, and Create Products that Grow Your Business Now  by David Meerman Scott scrupulously and meticulously understands the finer variations of the trends within mobile marketing.  It is his capacity and propensity to educate us with case studies, fun-facts and real life examples, as well as applying the complexities of technology to a  very matter-of-fact style scenarios that ensures that REAL-TIME MARKETING and PR: How to Instantly Engage Your Market, Connect with Customers, and Create Products that Grow Your Business Now   is still a relevant and enhancing book in 2017.

Interactions, information, interconnections, transactions, and convenience with absolute speed is the impact of advances in mobile, geotrigger, geofencing, location and GPS so far.  It has transformed our world from Tinder, Uber and Airbnb, and will continue to progress us further in the 21st Century.

The potential of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality further in conjunction with location & GPS provides us with thrilling and intoxicating marketing, start-up, innovation, invention and entrepreneurialism broadways that will be explored further to improve the quality of our lives with variety & diversification as well as unification, ease and satisfaction.

Tactfully trained and qualified, David Meerman Scott’s REAL-TIME MARKETING and PR: How to Instantly Engage Your Market, Connect with Customers, and Create Products that Grow Your Business Now  is simply splendid.

Few key take-out’s include:

Page 20 - “The answer to all these questions on both TMZ sand Politico boils down to the same thing.  Both upstarts understand the advantages that flow from delivering real-time content that satisfies intensely focused public curiosity”

Page 21 - “But it was not until late 2009 - as this chapter was being written that Google, the Godzilla of Silicon Valley, discovered what is bred in Blomberg’s DNA,.  It’s gotta be real time!”

Page 22 - “Breaking news on company sites and blogs is an important real-time technique because it gives your greatest supporters firsty access to the information.  This also allows for comments and clarifications to be made in real time as questions come in”

Page 33 - “If you work for a large company, chances are upward momentum favors steady qualities like compliance, caution, and consensus over speedy traits like imagination, initiative, and improvisation.  That’s the nature of the beast.  Big business is designed to move forward according to plan, at a measured and deliberate pace”

Page 57 - “The Wall Street Journal (WSJ), published for more than 100 years, has the largest circulation of any newspaper in the United States.  And thanks to its European and Asian editions, WSJ is now a global paper of record for businesses and finance”

Page 63 - “A hashtag is a unique identifier that's used to mark something on Twitter.  It is a single word (or acronym) preceded by the hash (sometimes called a “pound”) sign”.

Page 64 - “Having a blog allows me to be spontaneous,” he says.  For example, I can put diagrams up very quickly and let people know valuable information.  If we needed to put content on the corporate site, it would take three days.  With the blog, I can get into a conversation in just five minutes”

Page 87 - “The first priority is to listen to blogs, journalists, and others who talk frequently about you and your business.  Start by identifying as many voices as you can.  List all relevant trade journals.  Find securities analysts who cover your sector.  Search for relevant online forums or chat rooms.  Pinpoint bloggers who have opined on issues relating to your business. Keep searching continuously for new sources”

Page 116 - “Each year I travel all over the world, speaking to business audiences about the types of ideas you’re reading here.  That means I stay in a heck of a lot of hotels - 40 or more a year.  Ands because I do my own reservations online, I’m in an excellent position to observe how hotels communicate with customers after reservations are made.
Nearly all hotels send confirmation by email soon after the booking is made.  And a few send reminders a week or so before check-in.  Typically, that’s all I get before a stay.

Page 119 - “In my opinion, the most famous tweet of all time offered early on the morning of Saturday, August 23, 2008. I was on vacation, and like I do first things most mornings, I checked Twitter when I woke up.  I could see immediately that people were buzzing about Barack Obama’s choice of vice-presidential running mate.  So I hightailed it over to @BarackObama, and I saw this tweet:  Announcing Senator Joe Biden as our VP nominee.  Watch the first Obama-Biden rally live at 3pm ET on

Page 139 - “As someone who finds himself in a new and unfamiliar city almost every month.  I love the new “super powers” GPS gives me - especially when I’m hungry.  And I’m very particular. If I’m not too hungry, Thai food will do.  I’ll accept Chinese or Indonesian in a pinch.  But when I’m famished- and my wife and daughter say I get mean when I'm hungry - I've gotta have burritos within 10 minutes or I freak out. Until recently, I’;d either ask the hotel concierge where to find Thai or Mexican, or do a Google search”

Page 141 - “Layar is a free mobile application that uses your GPS location to show a layer of real-time information about nearby sites, presented on top of the image shown on your mobile’s camera.  The founders of Layar call it “augmented reality”. I call it cool.

If I’m in a city, I open up the Layer application on my iPhone and look through the iPhone camera. I then add “layers” on top of the image in the camera to superimpose information about whatever restaurants, clubs, real estate for sale, tourists sites, and entertainment venue I see.
So when I’m in the United States And I've got to have Mexican food right now, I open up the “eat” layar, point the camera at the street, and see various restaurant names and locations pop up as layer on top of the camera image.”

Page 198 - “From the mid-nineteenth century, though, newspapers and magazines began to assume an intermediary role between buyer and seller.  As new media like radio and television appeared in the twentieth century, this intermediary role took on ever greater importance.  Giant advertising and PR agencies arose to shape the conversation to suit the buyer, setting the agenda, the place, and the tone”

Thoroughly advocate and endorse both books to stay ahead of 21st Century business and marketing.

You can purchase a copy of KEYS TO SUCCESS: 50 Secrets from a Business Maverick here, view his Wikipedia for full information here.

You can purchase a copy of REAL-TIME MARKETING and PR: How to Instantly Engage Your Market, Connect with Customers, and Create Products that Grow Your Business Now here, follow David Meerman Scott on Twitter here, visit his website here, and connect with David Meeerman Scott on LinkedIN here.

Thank you,

Praz aka Prashant
