Remarkable Reading: #1 CONNECT by Lord John Browne with Robin Nuttall and Tommy Stadlen and DOT COMPLICATED by Randi Zuckerberg

The aim of this section Remarkable Reading is pay a tribute to the books that taught, share trends & insights into where our world in the 21st century is heading in a technology enabled world, and ask the right questions.

Bolded and italics quotes and references do not belong to myself  and belong directly to the author.  The focus is to share valuable insights and teachings from the book to win business for the authors.

Finished reading Lord John Browne's, Robin Nuttall and Tommy Stadlen's CONNECT: How Companies Succeed by Engaging Radically with Society with Robin Nuttall and Tommy Stadlen and Randi Zuckerberg's DOT COMPLICATED: Untangling Our Wired Lives.  Both are progressive, informative, interesting, and very very contemporary and topical.  While CONNECT helps us understand what is the place of business in the 21st Century, and how businesses need to engage more with society moving forward, DOT COMPLICATED is about understanding what is our place as humans in a complicated, technology enabled world?

Two themes I found of immediate relevance are:

1) Where are we heading with AI (artificial intelligence) in terms of future employment and jobs and; 

2) What is the future and integration of technology in our day-to-day lives- professional and personal?

1) AI (Artificial Intelligence) and the impact  on the occupations of human beings. More automation and more robotics programming means that more occupations which were previously more manual maybe further automated.  Key questions are -  will the "Internet of Things" and AI (Aritficial Intelligence) together create more jobs?  What will my day-to-day job entail?  Will it help in creating a better quality of life?  Will it assist in creating a less stressful life?  To what extent can we depend on technology to improve our lives, and to what extent is the onus on ourselves?  

Lord John Browne states: "These are exciting times for the field of AI.  Since the 1950's, academics have predicted the advent of the "singularity", the moment when machine intelligence surpasses that of the human brain".  We need to start mappping out what the future of occupations, roles and responsibilities are like in a highly digitized and  automated workplace.  

The need for business and society to connect together is the core theme of the book, and CONNECT does a remarkable job at helping us understand our place in a faster enabled emerging technological society.

2) Work-life balance and work-tech balance: This is different from company to company, employer to employer.  Expectations on what hours you're required to work, how many hours, and how "connected" should you be after hours ("Should I check my emails after hours?", "Should I send a work related Tweet after hours"?, "When should I switch off technology after work?"). 

As Randi Zuckerberg states: "People talk a lot about work-life balance, but in today's society it's more an issue of tech-life balance".

This is part of a wider question on how technology is now slowly ingrained into everything we do,  when, and what stage do we say "enough techology for today"? Will it be more defined between what is work social media and what is personal social media"? The notion of tech-life balance can also be called "work-tech integration".  And finally, who should tell us what is the right consumption of technology in our lives?  I believe, at this initial stage, it is up to each one of us to define the boundaries and threshold how much is enough internet for one day though fast progress and Internet of Things may change dynamics of what is defined as "normal internet usage" in the near future.  Highly recommended reading for those wanting to understand the complicated world of social technologies in a highly connected world and it's impact on existing business culture.

You can follow the author of DOT COMPLICATED - Randi Zuckerberg on Twitter here and follow author of CONNECT - Lord John Browne on Twitter here & Tommy Stadlen here.

You can engage in a further conversation with me in the comments section, converse further via email, and connect on Twitter here.

We will be touching on Robotics and AI, food innovation (Finnovation), convergence of established media and social media, internet necessities and what the future of the 21st century workplace & economy will be like.  My core aim is to study in-depth these areas with a business friend and to write a book.

Thank you.


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